International Toy Fair Nuremberg 2009
Internationale Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg 2009
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Queen Games |
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Players have to transport drums and load them on ships. For this, they have two workers, a large one and a smaller one, and some cards to move them. |
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In a turn, all players secretly choose one of the numbered cards from their hands and reveal it simultaneously. The start player goes first and moves one of his workers the amount of spaces as stated by his card. When one of the workers land on an occupied space, the worker is pushed to the opposite side of the warehouse. When all players have made their move, the warehouses are checked if there is a worker next to a chamber. Players may take as many cubes in their colour as barrels in the room they are next to. The barrels are placed in one or more of the ships; players may decide freely. |
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When a worker is next to a room where broken barrels are, the player must take as many cubes in his colour from any of the ships; the player gets a gold piece in return.
Majorities with barrles on ships are important for scoring points. When a ship is fully loaded, or if it is the leftmost ship, loaded or not, it gets scored at the end of the round after which it is taken away; the other ships move left accordingly and a new ship is taken from a blind stack of ships tiles. |
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There are scores for first, secondand third positions on the ship. For three gold an extra worker for the current round can be bought, but this worker always must be the first to move in a round. The configuration of the warehouse cards each game is different, as these are loose tiles. When the stack is depleted, the game ends.
Montego Bay, Michael Feldkötter, Queen Games, 2009 - 2 to 4 players, 8 years and up, 45-60 minutes |
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When Phalanx turned to strategic games last year, they dropped their already announced 'Sultan'. Now Queen releases the game with moody artwork.
The guys who were responsible for 'Hart an der Grenze' (Kosmos), made another swift bluffing game.
The sultan has a daughter to marry, and the lucky one will be the one who is the keenest in trading at the local bazar.
All players have their own set of cards, with a value of 1 to 15. These are shuffled, and the first five are taken in the hand. Then, the starting player blindly takes four jewels from a bag, takes one back in the bag (own choice), and places the others, one each, in the three bazars.
Now players choose one card, and place it face down next to one of the bazars. After this, all cards are turned face up. Jewels in bazars that have only one card go to that player; when in a bazar more cards are played the highest played value gets the jewel, and if there still is a tie, the first played card.
After five turns, players take the next five cards from their deck on their hand and the next round begins.
After three rounds players calculate the value of their jewels, as not each jewel has an equal value. For instance: each red juwel scores one point, but each blue jewel scores five points.
Sultan, André Zatz & Sergio Halaban, Queen Games, 2009 - 2 to 5 players, 8 years and up, 30 minutes |
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