International Toy Fair Nuremberg 2009
Internationale Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg 2009
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Hans im Glück |
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Players transport all kinds of fruit. There are six kinds of fruit, each of it is two times on the wind rose. In a four player game, each player has 3 tokens that they can place there. In a turn, they first must place or move a token. After each player has done this, the start player may transport as many fields as there are tokens on his position of the wind rose.
For this, they need a mule. But players must decide: either move, or transport.
A four player game ends when there are six empty areas on the board.
Players also have four action chits that they can use once during the game.
Finca, Ralf zur Linde & Wolfgang Sentker, Hans im Glück, 2009 - 2 to 4 players, 10 years and up, 45 minutes |
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Dominion comes with a new box illustration; the expansion 'Die Intrige' fits nicely with it. It comes with 25 new action cards, as well as the usual stuff such as money cards. Just have a look where the river on the right box is flowing to: there will be a new expansion coming out in fall, with a title that goes something like 'Sea Side'.
Dominion - Die Intrige!, Donald X. Vaccarino, Hans im Glück, 2009 - 2 to 4 players, 10 years and up, 45 minutes |
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At the end of this game, players score for various things after they have placed tiles on their player board. These tiles come from a grid of four by four, with a ship next to it. At the beginning of a round this ship moves from one to four columns around the grid. Players now can 'see' four tiles and may choose any one of these; the first is free, for every tile they want that is more distant they pay extra. Vulcano tiles block the sight.
They place the chosen tile on their personal board, next to where their own ship is. After this, they may replace the ship to any tile. For each shell on the tile, they get a shellback, which acts as the local currency.
When one player has completed his board, the game ends. First all incomplete islands are removed and then points are awarded for palms, huts and complete floral wreaths; an incomplete wreath gives minus points. Empty squares score one minus point per square. |
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In the variant players use the back of their player board. The center of the board scores twice as much. They will cover one ship symbol which is needed for movement, so they will look out for tiles that have a ship symbol on it. In this variant, thay may take back tiles, such as a half floral wreath tile, or place a tile back in the supply. They have to place their ship on the tile they just placed on the board, which could mean they do not have enough movement in their next turn to place a new tile in a convenient spot.
Maori, Günter Burckhardt, Hans im Glück, 2009 - 2 to 5 players, 8 years and up, 30-45 minutes |
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