
International Toy Fair Nuremberg 2011
Internationale Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg 2011

What's Your Game
I've seen the prototype, I took a picture of it but promised not to use it. Well, a large scrambled detail cannot hurt, can it?
After the clever worker placement game 'Vasco da Gama' and the multigame 'Vinhos', the publisher now works on a game that is simpler than the first mentioned. And it has an unusual theme: perfume. Manufacturing and selling it to the courts in Paris, London, Florence and Cologne.
Players have grey workers and cubes in their own colour. They place grey workers to open a market; after that all player may use it with their own colour cubes to get flower ingredients.
Players can play cards to make perfume if they have the right combination and place them in any area to get points. Money can be spent for victory points or to obtain special abilities such as the extra storage of ingredients. The ladies in the various cities also give a player specific advantages.
The game is still in a development stage, so many things may change and it is because of this the publisher preferred to have no illustration covering the game yet.
unnamed prototype, Alessia Luca, What's Your Game, 2011 - 2 to 4 players, no age indication, 60-120 minutes